Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Field Op 33! With secret message! [Agents ONLY]

Civilians,dont read-

Heyaaah :D
Guess what? Neeew field op!! Number 33 in fact! Makes you feel old,doesnt it =P
So yeah we have this mission from gary (You may notice in the earlier post that we had a message about a "Box" from herbert,well,it matters now)
Next,go to the box dimension and go to the bottom left of your screen:

Then,click your spy phone!

Pretty easy one this time.YAAY!
But look! Whats this? A message from herbert!!! Oh no!
This is what it says:
Mwahaha!! Well done,Elitist Pompous Frauds!You managed to disarm Klutzy's alarm clock!Such heroes!Now if you would be so kind to give me the circuits I need for protobot,we can end this foolishness.I await your surrender.

Y'know what? Something big is coming at this party.Agents on red alert!
Thanks for reading!


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